Are you doing enough to see the results you want?

How to Choose the Correct Weights to Ensure You're "Doing Enough" to See Change
Theresa Straight
August 17, 2024
Are you doing enough to see the results you want?

Theresa Straight


August 17, 2024

When it comes to strength training, selecting the right weight is crucial to your progress.

The goal isn’t just to lift heavy—it’s to lift smart. Whether you're a beginner or have been working out for years, understanding how to choose the correct weights can make all the difference in seeing real, tangible results.

So, how do you know if you're "doing enough"? Let’s break it down.

1. Understand Your Goals

First, it’s important to know what you’re working towards. Are you aiming to build muscle, increase strength, or improve endurance? Each goal requires a different approach:

  • Muscle Growth (Hypertrophy): Typically involves lifting moderate to heavy weights for 6-12 reps per set.
  • Strength Building: Focuses on heavier weights with fewer reps (1-5 per set).
  • Endurance: Involves lighter weights with higher reps (15+ per set).
2. Use the "Last Two Reps" Rule

A simple yet effective way to gauge if you’re lifting the right amount is the "Last Two Reps" rule. When you’re performing a set, those last two reps should feel challenging but doable with good form. If you’re breezing through the entire set, it's time to increase the weight. Conversely, if you can’t complete the reps with proper form, consider lowering the weight.

3. Test and Adjust

Finding the perfect weight is often a matter of trial and error. Start with a weight that feels manageable and perform a set. If you find that you could easily keep going after the target number of reps, add a bit more weight. On the other hand, if you’re struggling to get through the set, reduce the weight slightly. Adjusting as you go is normal and part of the process.

4. Embrace Progression

Progressive overload is key to continuous improvement. This means gradually increasing the weight you lift over time. If you’ve been lifting the same weight for weeks or months, you’re likely not challenging your muscles enough to promote growth or strength gains. Aim to increase the weight by a small increment each week or every couple of weeks, depending on how your body feels.

5. Listen to Your Body

It’s essential to tune in to how your body responds to your workouts. Muscle soreness is normal, especially when increasing weights, but sharp pain or discomfort is not. If something doesn’t feel right, don’t push through it. Safety always comes first, and sometimes, the best way to progress is to rest and recover.

6. Seek Guidance

If you’re unsure about your form or how much weight to use, don’t hesitate to ask for help. At Iron Individual, we offer regular goal review sessions, personal training, and group classes where you can get personalized advice. We’re here to ensure you’re lifting correctly and effectively to reach your goals.

Choosing the right weight is about finding that sweet spot where you’re challenging yourself just enough to foster growth without risking injury. It’s a balance of listening to your body, understanding your goals, and pushing yourself in a safe, controlled manner.

Remember, progress takes time. By consistently lifting the right amount of weight, you’ll start to see the changes you’re working towards.

Ready to take the next step in your fitness journey? -- Whether you're just starting or looking to fine-tune your routine, we're here to help.

Join us for a class or book a personal training session to get expert guidance on choosing the right weights for your goals.

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