Writing your own Fitness Story

Taking control of your own fitness journey
Theresa Straight
August 23, 2024
Writing your own Fitness Story

Theresa Straight


August 23, 2024

The hard work we put in at the gym isn't just about lifting weights or hitting personal records—it's about enabling us to live life to the fullest outside the gym.

When you look back on your life, it won’t be your one-rep max that stands out, but the incredible adventures you embarked on to get to where you are now —like living to watch your grandkids grow up - or conquering the Grand Canyon.

And those squats? They made that adventure possible.

I was chatting with a friend this weekend about on top of running a gym and helping others - I also do musical theater. She responded, “You must have the most interesting life.” That comment struck me, and I took it as a high compliment.

Not all of us will be the smartest in our circle.

Not all of us will be the most attractive.

Not all of us will be the richest.

Not all of us will compete in the highest level athletics.

But every single one of us has the potential to live an interesting life. And fitness is a key that unlocks that door.

You don’t need a fortune to run a marathon. You don’t need to look like a model to climb Mount Kilimanjaro or have millions in the bank to sail around the world. Yet, doing any of these things would make you infinitely more fascinating than any millionaire, model, or professional athlete.

When the time comes to reflect on your life, it won’t be the money you’ve made or the pictures of your younger self that you cherish. It’ll be the stories you’ve created. The ones that live on. So, why not write a story worth telling?

My mission is to help you create those stories—to fill your life with new experiences and unforgettable moments.

Many of our members at Iron Individual often recount stories from our gym that have become cherished memories. At Iron Individual, we've seen people completely rewrite their life stories. This summer, we're offering you even more opportunities to add exciting chapters to your journey.

Here’s a sneak peek at what’s coming up:

  1. Bring a Friend Day: On September 6, the Iron Individual members have the opportunity to show off their hard work and invite friends and family to experience the culture and community that is the Iron Family! We will sweat together, laugh together then have some food after our workout! Know a friend - have them sign up!
  2. New Class Times: Starting in September we will be offering some new class times to help you get the most out of your workouts and get even more opportunities to show up for yourself and your family!
  3. Fall Events: This year we will be getting together in a fun fall way to celebrate each others successes, socialize outside of the gym, and become even more connected as the Iron Family!

And that’s just a glimpse of what our members are up to this fall—there’s so much more happening!

Setting a fitness goal is crucial, and having a plan to achieve it is essential. But the ultimate goal is to finish with a story that you’ll treasure forever. And fitness? That’s the vehicle that’ll take you there.

So whether you're riding a bike, running a distance, or stepping up on stage—you're going to need the gym.

Let’s keep writing those stories together.

Stay Strong,

Coach T

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