How to find time to workout during your "too busy" Schedule

Making Fitness a Priority: Finding Time for Workouts Amidst a Busy Schedule
Theresa Straight
August 17, 2024
How to find time to workout during your "too busy" Schedule

Theresa Straight


August 17, 2024

Life is busy.

Between juggling work, kids' schedules, and everyday responsibilities, finding time for your workouts can feel like a daunting task.

But here's the truth: making fitness a priority is crucial for your physical and mental well-being. The good news is that with a few time management strategies, you can carve out space for your workouts, no matter how packed your schedule is.

We all know that staying active is essential for maintaining a healthy body and mind.

But when life gets hectic, it's easy to let fitness slide to the bottom of the priority list. The problem is, when we neglect our workouts, we also miss out on the benefits they provide—more energy, better mood, improved focus, and a stronger body that can handle the demands of daily life.

So, how do you make time for fitness when your schedule is already overflowing? It starts with making a commitment to yourself and then putting a plan in place to ensure you stick with it.

Here are three tips to help you improve your time management and make fitness a priority, even when life gets busy:

1. Schedule Your Workouts Like Important Appointments

One of the most effective ways to ensure you get your workouts in is to treat them like any other important appointment. Block out time in your calendar for exercise, just as you would for a work meeting or your child's soccer game. When you view your workouts as non-negotiable, you're more likely to stick with them.

Tip: At the start of each week, take a look at your schedule and find the best times for your workouts. Whether it's early morning, during lunch, or after the kids go to bed, commit to those times and hold yourself accountable.

2. Break It Down: Shorter, More Frequent Workouts

If finding a full hour for a workout seems impossible, break it down into shorter, more manageable chunks. You don't need to spend hours at the gym to see results. Short, intense workouts—like a 20-minute HIIT session or a 15-minute strength routine—can be just as effective as longer sessions, especially when you're consistent.

Tip: Aim for shorter, more frequent workouts that fit into your busy schedule. Even a 10-minute workout squeezed in between tasks is better than skipping it altogether. Plus, it helps build the habit of moving daily.

3. Involve the Family: Make Fitness a Group Activity

If you're struggling to find time for workouts because of family obligations, why not involve the whole family? Exercise doesn't have to be a solo activity. Turn it into quality time with your loved ones by incorporating fun, active games, family walks, or bike rides. Not only will you get your workout in, but you'll also set a great example for your kids.

Tip: Plan family activities that get everyone moving. Weekend hikes, dance parties in the living room, or even a friendly game of soccer in the backyard can be a great way to stay active and spend time together.

The Bottom Line is.....

Finding time for fitness in a busy schedule can be challenging, but it's not impossible.

By scheduling your workouts, breaking them down into manageable chunks, and involving your family, you can make fitness a priority without sacrificing other important aspects of your life. Remember, your health is an investment in yourself, and it's worth every minute.

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