The first thing to do to start losing weight

Starting Your Weight Loss Journey: One Step at a Time
Theresa Straight
August 22, 2024
The first thing to do to start losing weight

Theresa Straight


August 22, 2024

When it comes to beginning a weight loss journey, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by all the changes you think you need to make.

Diet, exercise, sleep, hydration—the list goes on.

But here’s a secret: you don’t have to do everything at once. In fact, starting small and focusing on one or two key habits can set the foundation for long-term success.

Let’s dive into the first simple steps you can take to begin your weight loss journey.

1. Prioritize Movement Every Day

One of the most impactful things you can do to kickstart your weight loss is to simply start moving more. You don’t need to dive into an intense workout regimen right away. Instead, focus on incorporating more movement into your daily routine. This could be as simple as taking a 20-minute walk during your lunch break, choosing the stairs instead of the elevator, or doing a quick stretch session in the morning.

The key is consistency. By making movement a daily habit, you’re boosting your metabolism, improving your mood, and setting the stage for more structured exercise down the road.

Action Step: Commit to 20-30 minutes of intentional movement every day. It doesn’t matter if it’s a walk, a short workout, or even playing with your kids. Just get your body moving!

2. Start with Small Dietary Changes

Overhauling your entire diet overnight can be daunting and unsustainable. Instead, start with small, manageable changes that can make a big difference over time. One of the easiest changes is to increase your intake of whole foods—think fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains—and gradually reduce processed foods and sugary drinks.

For example, swap your afternoon soda for water or herbal tea, or add an extra serving of vegetables to your dinner. These small shifts can have a significant impact on your overall calorie intake and help you feel fuller, longer.

Action Step: Choose one dietary change to focus on this week. Whether it’s adding a serving of vegetables to each meal, cutting back on sugary snacks, or drinking more water, pick something achievable and stick with it.

Starting with just one or two changes allows you to build confidence and create sustainable habits.

When you try to do everything at once, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and give up when things get tough.

But by focusing on small, consistent actions, you set yourself up for long-term success. Each small victory builds momentum, and before you know it, these habits become a natural part of your lifestyle.

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